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Where is Birkbeck Babylab located?


We are located at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, just off Torrington Square in Bloomsbury, London (WC1).

For maps and more information click here.



What are the travel arrangements?


The study will be conducted in our Babylab, in central London (WC1) on a date that is convenient for you. We will always cover your travel expenses when you come to the Babylab. Depending on where you live, a taxi service may be provided. If you decide to travel to the Babylab by private car we offer free parking near our building for visiting parents. We reimburse all your travel costs and other expenses directly related to the visit.



Can I participate if I do not live in the London area?


Yes! If you live far away from the Babylab and have to travel into London, we will provide accommodation at a nearby hotel. We will customise travel plans that are convenient for your needs, including a taxi service between railway terminals in London and our Babylab. Many families take the opportunity to have a fun day out in London after their Babylab visit.


Can I bring my other children to the Babylab?


You are more than welcome to bring other siblings, including your child with autism and/or ADHD. We have a comfortable waiting room with toys and space to play and can arrange for someone to sit with them whilst you and your baby are taking part in the studies. However, we do ask that you let us know in advance if you are bringing anyone else so we can make the necessary arrangement.


You are also welcome to bring your own carer, such as another family member or friend on your visit. All of their travel costs are also reimbursed. We are also pleased to provide reimbursement for childcare costs if you prefer not to bring your older children along.



How can I find out about the results of the study?


We will send you our annual newsletter with updates on the progress of the study. Furthermore, we are planning to publish the findings of the study in well-renowned scientific journals. These journals are usually available in university libraries or can be obtained from us on request.


Are there any risks involved?


This study is approved by the NHS ethics committee and all efforts are made to minimize any potential risks, which could include baby’s becoming tired or fussy. All researchers are experienced in working with young children and every effort will be taken to keep your child engaged and minimize boredom or frustration. All visits to the Babylab are geared towards your baby's needs and we have feeding, changing, and napping facilities at our centre. Participation is voluntary and you and your child are free to withdraw from the study at any stage for any reason.



Who are we funded by?


BASIS was formally launched in May 2008 following funding from a consortium of charities led by Autistica, with support from the Medical Research Council and the EU-AIMS project.



What will the study involve?


You and your baby will make visits to the Babylab while your child is between the ages of 4 months and 3 years old. During the visit your baby will complete tasks such as watching faces and colourful animations on a computer or play games with a researcher. At times we will measure your baby’s eye movements using an eyetracker and record brain activity using a sensor net. Participation is voluntary and the whole visit is tailored to your child’s needs. You will be present throughout.


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